NC Commercial Fisherman File Sea Turtle Lawsuit

On Monday, August 5th, the North Carolina Fisheries Association (NCFA) and the Carteret County Fisherman’s Association (CCFA) filed a civil lawsuit in US District Court seeking relief from the Incidental Take Permit (ITP) for sea turtle interactions in the commercial fishing industry under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The lawsuit is directed against the federal and state agencies that are charged with administering and enforcing the ESA and the resulting ITP for sea turtle interactions. They are seeking relief from the sea turtle ITP based on claims that 1) the sea turtles have recovered and a new stock assessment should be conducted to determine whether the ITP is still warranted, and that 2) there should be a similar sea turtle ITP for the hook and line recreational fishery. 

“CCA andCCANC are actively working with our legal counsel and litigation team assessing the best approach on this important issue for North Carolina fisheries. We take all lawsuits of this nature very seriously and have built a successful track record in litigation through our methodical approach and expert counsel. CCANC will continue to keep our membership and the recreational fishing community informed as this issue continues to develop.”