CCA North Carolina Begins Billboard Campaign
Recently, the Board of Directors of CCA North Carolina approved a plan to begin placing billboards around the state in support of a campaign to remove large Shrimp Trawlers and Gillnets from our inshore waters. The first two of these billboards went up in the Burlington, NC area over the past couple of weeks.
The billboards can be seen when travelling through Burlington on I-85/40. They will remain up throughout the holiday season and into the new year when legislators are headed back and forth to Raleigh for the upcoming legislative long session of 2015. One of the billboards features an image of juvenile fish dying on the sorting table of a shrimp trawler on top of a photo of the serene waters of the Pamlico Sound. The second billboard shows a sea turtle stuck in a gillnet with the message “NC – First in Flight; LAST in Fisheries Management. YOU CAN HELP. Join CCA NC Now.”
For more information about the billboard campaign or CCA North Carolina, please contact the CCA NC office at 919-781-3474.