2013 North Carolina Marine Recreational Fishing Forum
North Carolina Sea Grant, along with various other conservation groups is sponsoring an opportunity to enjoy face time with members of the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries and N.C. General Assembly. This forum is open to anyone who has an interest in marine recreational fishing.
The event is at the Mckimmon Center on NC State’s campus on Saturday, February 16, 2013 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. The event is free to the public but must be pre registered to attend. Lunch will be provided.
Topics for the forum will include
– Marine Recreational Regulatory Discards vs. Catch-and-Release; what’s the difference, and how can we improve fish survivability?
— Economic Value of the Marine Recreational Fishing Sector – Relative importance and in what way is data being used in fisheries management.
— Understanding the Roles of the Regulators; who does what? – MAFMC, SAFMC, ASMFC, NCMFC.
The Forum is sponsored by North Carolina Sea Grant, a university-based coastal and marine science research and outreach program. Contact Lisa Humphrey, humphryl@uncw.edu, 910-962-2490 for information. You may also visit their website www.ncseagrant.org/recfishforum for further details.