New and Improved CCA NC Website

“Whoa,” you may be thinking as you click on to check what’s happening in the world of marine fisheries. “This looks different!” Yes, it does. What you’re looking at is nine months of planning, testing and hair-pulling to develop an updated website for the Coastal Conservation Association of North Carolina.

First, the new website is built on a different, more versatile platform by Word Press. It is mobile friendly and easier to update both for our provider, Zion in Atlantic Beach, N.C., and us at CCA. Combined with our semi-annual newspaper and monthly email newsletters, it’s our goal to keep members and interested readers up to date on marine fisheries issues in any format they choose from print to computer to smart phone.

We’ve divided the home page into four main sections—Advocacy, Conservation, Get Involved and Newsroom. “Advocacy” represents the main course in this buffet of information. Simply put, CCA NC’s mission is to preserve marine and estuarine resources for future generations. We want our grandchildren to experience the joy of hooking a red drum or flounder on a summer day in the back creeks and sounds of our state.

“Advocacy” contains position papers and testimony made to regulatory bodies that manage our fisheries. Whether you agree with our beliefs or not, they’re available for research and discussion.

“Conservation” lists some of the projects CCA NC has funded that enhance water quality, habitat or other factors designed to improve fisheries.

If you’d like to join us, click on “Get Involved” to review various membership offers or learn how to volunteer for local events like taking a veteran fishing or helping with a youth fishing tournament. CCA NC has 12 active chapters across the state and more in the organizational stage so inland residents can be just as much a part of the organization as their friends on the coast.

The “Newsroom” will contain the latest updates on marine-related events, whether it’s a decision by the N.C. Marine Resources Commission, a legislative hearing, gubernatorial appointment or fishing season regulation. If you missed an edition, there are links to our semi-annual newspapers as well. And in case you learn something newsworthy, contact a member of our staff. Phone numbers and emails are listed under “About Us.”

Please look around the site and tell us what you think. Our goal is to make it both informative and interesting.

Rip Woodin