Estuarine Striped Bass – Amendment 2

Welcome back to another episode of Fishereis Gone Wild, hosted by CCA NC Executive Director David Sneed. This episode dives into the upcoming Marine Fisheries Commision meeting November 16-18, 2022. The MFC will be voting on Amendment 2 to the Estuarine Striped Bass FMP. Within this plan, the commision will vote to either continue the gill net ban on the Neuse, Tar and Pamlico rivers above the ferry lines or vote to allow the nets back in the water. This gill net ban has been in place to protect the Striped Bass and allow the species to reach a sustainable spawning biomass to continue to rebuild the population. This upcoming MFC meeting November 16-18 is by far one of the most important meetings and we need your voice to show up and speak for the resource more than ever!!! 

Tight Lines!